🤖 5 Ways I’m *Really* Using ChatGPT (And How to Stay Out of the ChatGPT Dunning-Kruger Club)

Clark Boyd
6 min readJan 12, 2023

Did you know that over 350 griffon vultures have died in Spain in the last decade because they flew into wind turbines?

Vultures are one of the very few species on our planet with better eyesight than humans. And yet, they fly into those giant white monstrosities.


Well, they just aren’t looking for them. They’re looking to the side and down, not straight ahead.

Ah, but why am I mentioning this?

Am I trying to make some grand point about blind spots?

Maybe it’s a tortured parable about how we miss what’s right in front of us?

No. It will be, when someone pays me to make a McKinsey-style trends deck.

Actually, I was wearing my giant puffer jacket earlier with the hood all stitched up like Kenny from South Park, and my restricted vision made me think I was like a reverse vulture. I could only see what was directly in front of me.

I note these things down.

One day, when I get my call to create the trends deck to end all trends decks, I’ll be ready.

This time in hi, tech.:

  • A little discussion about the role of ChatGPT in education, and why I’m increasingly inclined to agree that we should be cautious.
  • Despite these limitations…



Clark Boyd

Tech/business writer, CEO (Novela), lecturer (Columbia), and data analyst. >500k views on Medium. I used to be with it, but then they changed what ‘it’ was.